I know that I am ready to have some warm, sunny days and see grass instead of snow or mud. Instead, I am sitting here in my recliner with a blanket and a heating pad on my feet because they are freaking cold. I suppose part of it could be that I have caught the bug everyone else has already had. And here I thought I was going to avoid it this year.
This morning, I was one of the featured authors on Beth Hildebrand's Booked with Beth alongside Carrie Weston, the author of Ascender: A Ghost Possessor Novel. Which I did run over and one-click as soon as the podcast was over! I cannot wait to read it!
Speaking of Booked with Beth, as soon as I have the links, I will be sure and post the interview session on my reader page which is Books, Broomsticks and Baubles on Facebook! It was my first time ever doing something like this that included video as well as audio, so I had to break out of my normal Sunday slob mode and make myself presentable and hope for the best!
Yule hit the retailers yesterday, so if you haven't yet picked up your copy...you are missing out. Of course, you will want to read Samhain first and it is FREE this weekend on Kindle. With the work all done for Yule, I am heading back to the writing cave and work on Reprisal.
It was another early morning with the drama queen coon hound deciding she would wake me up to feed her at 1:30 am. I tricked her. Pretended I was going to go out in the living room and feed her and as soon as she trotted out of the bedroom, I shut the bedroom door and went back to sleep. That held her off until 4:30 when she stood and whined in the hallway and woke everyone up. I'm half tempted to buy one of those automatic feeders and just keep it out for her. I dunno.
Today, I am trying my hand and rendering my own tallow from beef fat. At $17 for a one-pound tub, I thought 5# of beef fat for 5 bucks was a better option. However, this is a tedious task. And it ties up my crockpot all day. We will have to see how much actual tallow I get out of this 5# of fat before I decide if this it the way to go. With market season upon us, I really need to find the most cost-effective way to create the products we sell at our booth.
This morning, my granddaughter found a wild rabbit. It actually let her pick it up and bring it inside. Not sure what was up with it, but it didn't appear to be sick. I'm wondering if I have a bunny whisperer on the premises today! She finally took it back outside, but we will see if it hangs around for a bit. May even put some rabbit feed out for it.
Well, I'm going to wrap it up for now! Have a great week and be sure to watch for my author spotlight later this week! I will be spotlighting the amazing Ginger Ring!!
