It's a beautiful and sunny day here in Indiana. But don't let it fool you. The wind chill is like 30 degrees. So not as warm as the sunshine would have you believe.
I arrived home from Ireland late Tuesday night, and finally got my unpacking done yesterday. When you only have 4 pair of jeans and you have to go back to work, unpacking was necessary so that I could do the laundry and have something to wear to work tomorrow.
Now that I'm home, I am starting to get in the mood to decorate for Yule/Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate this time of year. Right now, I have some orange slices in the oven dehydrating for my Yule wreath and I'm thinking about running to town to grab some cinnamon sticks and cranberries. But that can wait because I really need to work on getting Yule the book finished up for my readers to be able to enjoy during this Yuletide season.
Yesterday, I spent a fun morning creating gnomes with my three beautiful daughters at Manchester Pottery. We have our gnomes ready for the owner of the shop to fire, then we will go back and paint them with glaze. I cannot wait to see the finished products! If anyone is in the central Indiana area, you should head over and take a class with her! Manchester Pottery along with The Manchester Soap Company at 108 E Main Street in North Manchester, IN. You will not be disappointed.
Today, I have a pot of chicken stew cooking in the crockpot and whipped up a loaf of gluten free bread. I've never used gluten free flour for my bread recipe. I just grabbed a sample, and it is really good. A little heavier than my usual loaves are but still good. And healthier.
I have to share a caution about the Dublin airport. Once you get through the initial security but before you get to immigration, there's this thing called the duty-free shops. A mall. With all these lovely ladies trying to sell you things. It's dangerous. It's a trap. I had to buy a tote bag to bring home all the goodies I grabbed in that trap. Perfume, jewelry, clothing, candy. I don't feel guilty, though, because on the entire trip I had not bought myself anything at all. I rectified it in the duty-free shops!
Time to get to work on finishing up Yule...have a lovely week!!
